The nighttime events are among initial results from the InSight lander, which also found hints that the red planet may host a global reservoir of liquid water deep below the surface.
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© Illustration by NASA The InSight lander sits on the Martian surface in an illustration. Preliminary data from the lander's magnometer suggest that the red planet's magnetic field wobbles in inexplicable ways at night. |
At midnight on Mars, the red planet’s magnetic field sometimes starts
to pulsate in ways that have never before been observed. The cause is
currently unknown.
That’s just one of the stunning preliminary findings from NASA’s very first robotic geophysicist there, the InSight lander. Since touching down in November 2018,
this spacecraft has been gathering intel to help scientists better
understand our neighboring planet’s innards and evolution, such as
taking the temperature of its upper crust, recording the sounds of alien quakes, and measuring the strength and direction of the planet’s magnetic field.
As revealed during a handful of presentations this week at a joint meeting of the European Planetary Science Congress and the American Astronomical Society, the early data suggest the magnetic machinations of Mars are marvelously mad.
In addition to the odd magnetic pulsations,
the lander’s data show that the Martian crust is far more powerfully
magnetic than scientists expected. What’s more, the lander has picked up
on a very peculiar electrically conductive layer, about 2.5 miles
thick, deep beneath the planet’s surface. It’s far too early to say with
any certainty, but there is a chance that this layer could represent a global reservoir of liquid water.
Earth, groundwater is a hidden sea locked up in sand, soil, and rocks.
If something similar is found on Mars, then “we shouldn’t be surprised,”
says Jani Radebaugh,
a planetary scientist at Brigham Young University who was not involved
with the work. But if these results bear out, a liquid region at this
scale on modern Mars has enormous implications for the potential for
life, past or present. (Get the facts about previous evidence for an underground lake on Mars.)
far, none of these data have been through peer review, and details
about the initial findings and interpretations will undoubtedly be
tweaked over time. Still, the revelations provide a stunning showcase
for InSight, a robot that has the potential to revolutionize our
comprehension of Mars and other rocky worlds across the galaxy.
“We’re getting an insight into Mars’s magnetic history in a way we’ve never had before,” says Paul Byrne, a planetary geologist at North Carolina State University who was not involved with the work.
A tale of two worlds
Earth has a major
global magnetic field thanks to its rotation and churning, iron-rich,
liquid outer core. We know that this field has been around for a while
and that it has shifted about fairly dramatically across geological
epochs, based on natural records of its strength and direction trapped
in specific minerals within the crust. The history of Mars’s magnetic
field is similarly archived in its crust, as scientists learned in 1997
thanks to data from the Mars Global Surveyor orbiter.
“The same zoo of magnetic minerals that exist on Earth exist on Mars,” says Robert Lillis, a planetary space physicist at the University of California, Berkeley, who wasn’t involved with the new research.
The orbiter detected the red planet’s magnetism
from 60 to 250 miles above the surface, and it found that the crustal
magnetic field is ten times stronger than Earth’s is when measured from
the same height above the surface. This suggests that, once upon a time,
Mars also had a major global magnetic field.
Unlike Earth,
though, Mars got unlucky. Around four billion years ago, its convulsing
outer core appears to have seized up, causing a collapse in its global
magnetic field. Left with a weak magnetic shield to defend itself, an
outpouring of radiation from the sun—known as the solar wind—gradually stripped away much of its ancient atmosphere, turning a potentially life-supporting, water-rich world into a cold desert.
why these two planets had such different fates requires the best
possible measurements of Mars’ magnetic ghosts, but from orbit, the
strength of this remnant magnetic field has poor resolution. It’s like
looking at a crowd of people from far away: If many are wearing red
shirts and a few are wearing blue, a camera at a distance will largely
register the preponderance of red. But get close with the same camera,
and those all-important blue hues will be more clearly seen.
“The same is true for magnetic measurements,” says Dave Brain,
a researcher of atmospheric and space physics from the University of
Colorado not involved with the work. “The closer you get, the more
structure you are able to pick out.”
Mysteries at midnight
magnetometer, the first placed on the Martian surface, gave scientists
their best look yet at the crustal magnetic field, and it gave them a
bit of a shock: The magnetic field near the robot was around 20 times
stronger than what had been predicted based on past orbital
Brain, who is familiar with the InSight data, says
that this strong, stable magnetic signal is coming from rocks near
InSight, but whether they are deep underground or nearer to the surface
is currently unclear. That identification matters, Byrne says, because
if it’s coming from younger rocks near the surface, it would imply that a
strong magnetic field persisted around Mars for longer than we
currently think.
Perhaps even more puzzling, InSight also found
that the crustal magnetic field near its location jiggled about every
now and then. This wobbling is known as a magnetic pulsation, explains Matthew Fillingim, a space physicist at the University of California, Berkeley, and a member of the InSight science team.
pulses are fluctuations in the strength or direction of the magnetic
field, and they are not entirely unusual. Plenty of them happen on Earth
and Mars triggered by upper atmospheric chaos, the action of the solar
wind, and kinks in the planets’ magnetic bubbles, among other things.
strange is that these Martian wobbles happen at local midnight, as if
responding to the demands of an unseen, nocturnal timer.
is near Mars’ equator, and in the same geographic position on Earth, at
that time of night, you don’t see these types of magnetic pulsations.
Night-time pulsations on Earth tend to happen at higher latitudes and
are linked to the northern and southern lights. Right now, the ones on Mars have no clear source, but scientists have at least one suspect in mind.
it no longer has a potent global magnetic field, Mars is surrounded by a
weak magnetic bubble created as the solar wind interacts with its thin
atmosphere. This bubble is in turn compressed by the solar wind’s
magnetic field, causing part of the bubble to take on a tail-like shape.
At midnight, InSight’s spot on Mars is aligned with this tail, and as
it passes through, the tail may be plucking the surface magnetic field
like a guitar string.
If a high-altitude spacecraft, like NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution, or MAVEN,
orbiter, can swing above InSight at just the right time, it might show
this to be the case. For now, though, it’s a puzzle without an answer.
Making a splash
one of the presentations about Mars’ magnetism, scientists also
mentioned that features in the magnetic signals appear to be registering
an electrically conductive layer somewhere beneath the Martian surface.
While the team can’t yet pinpoint an exact depth, they think it
wouldn’t be any deeper than 62 miles.
Tests in deserts on Earth
have shown how magnetometers are able to tell you whether there is water
at depth, Brain explains. The same applies to InSight’s magnetometer,
and it is possible that the layer it spotted is an aquifer of water with
dissolved solids, or an ice and water layer, that could stretch around
the entire planet.
It’s unclear how long bodies of surface water persisted in lakes, rivers, and even oceans in Mars’ past,
but there is some evidence that the subsurface contains briny
reservoirs today. Mars’s crust also gets warmer as you go deeper,
Radebaugh says. And given the strong evidence for widespread ground ice on Mars, it is reasonable to think that subterranean aquifers of liquid water exist, too.
the devil is in the details, and all other causes of such a signal
still need to be ruled out, Brain says. The InSight lander has a drill,
but it can only dig down about 16 feet below the surface, so scientists
may have to find other ways—perhaps via future Mars missions—to test the
watery layer theory.
Whether this Martian aquifer’s existence is
ultimately verified or rebuffed, Brain adds, the invaluable nature of
InSight’s measurements, including its magnetic ones, is already clear.
Even rooted to a single spot in Elysium Planitia, this robotic emissary is beginning to dig up all kinds of buried Martian marvels.