Moon craters, diamond pipes, and sheer persistence helped uncover the dramatic change in the number of space rocks bombarding our planet.
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© Illustration by Dana Berry, Nat Geo Image Collection |
By Robin George Andrews, National Geographic
Ever since the sun
was born around 4.6 billion years ago, the solar system has been a
violent place. Like a pinball machine filled to the brim, our cosmic
neighborhood was once packed with meteors, comets, and even baby planets
crashing into each other, leaving scars in the form of impact craters.
Today, we know that space rocks of all shapes and sizes continue
their jostling dance. But it’s not clear how the number of impacts has
actually changed over time.
Now, researchers using data from a NASA moon probe report something startling in the journal Science: 290 million years ago, the rate of impacts on the moon—and thus, Earth—increased dramatically, and that onslaught has possibly not yet died down.
This matters, not least because asteroids large enough to make it through the atmosphere can smash into Earth and trigger mass extinctions. One such impact proved to be the coup de grâce for the age of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.
NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office keeps watch for any potentially hazardous Earthbound space debris,
and it certainly helps their efforts to know what the inner solar
system’s impact rates are like. The more of the picture we can uncover,
the better we’ll be able to understand what puts our survival at risk.
Another one bites the moon dust
Inconveniently for impact analysts, Earth has active plate tectonics,
weathering, and erosion, and these processes smooth over our planet’s
record of ancient craters. That means our impact record is heavily
biased toward recent events.
But the moon is an airless body
lacking erosional capabilities and plate tectonics, making it a
comparatively untouched geological archive. And since it’s been a
constant companion to Earth for most of its lifetime, the moon can be
used to fill in the gaps in the planet’s impact history.
effect, the moon is “a time capsule for events that happen in our corner
of the solar system. It’s so cool to have all that data,” says study
leader Sara Mazrouei, a planetary scientist at the University of Toronto.
that data isn’t always easy, though. For astronomers who can’t make a
lunar field trip, they need other methods for determining the ages of
craters. So, Mazrouei and her team found a way to map and date the moon’s craters from a billion years ago to the present using NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO).
start, the team knew that large craters formed in the past billion
years are covered in plenty of rocky debris, but older pits aren’t.
That’s because over millions of years, larger rocks are broken apart by
micrometeorite impacts, small gaseous outbursts at the surface, and the
switching between extremely hot and cold temperatures during the lunar
day and night cycle.
This gradual change from rocks to lunar dust affects how heat escapes from the craters and their surroundings. Study coauthor Rebecca Ghent, an associate professor of planetary sciences at the University of Toronto, took advantage of this fact.
She looked to LRO’s thermal radiometer, named Diviner,
which measures the heat being emitted from the moon’s surface. Using
already dated craters, she found a “beautiful correlation” between rock
cover, their ability to transmit heat, and a crater’s age.
Diviner now able to date craters larger than 6.2 miles across, Mazrouei
set to work. Mapping a billion years’ worth of craters on the moon by
hand over the next five years, she quips that she had to check her
sanity a few times. However, when she showed her preliminary results to Bill Bottke,
a planetary scientist and asteroid expert at the Southwest Research
Institute in Boulder, Colorado, she knew she was onto something.
people are sitting on a pot of gold and don’t realize it,” Bottke,
another of the study’s coauthors, told her. “And you are sitting on a
pot of gold.”
Together, the team found that two to three times as
many objects have been slamming into the moon starting 290 million years
ago, compared to the impact rates in the 710 million years prior.
Digging through diamond cannons
scientists strongly suspected that the same shift in impact rate must
apply to Earth, but they knew finding evidence for it would be tricky.
That’s when study coauthor Thomas Gernon,
an associate professor of Earth science at the University of
Southampton, mentioned kimberlites. Suddenly, everything fell into
Kimberlites are volcanic, carrot-shaped pipes normally
found in the hearts of extremely stable, very ancient continental
landmasses. These pipes once launched diamonds up from hellish depths into the shallow crust; nowadays, they are well-mapped and mined for their riches.
are like pincushions pierced by thousands of kimberlites. They are
archives of ancient erosion,” Gernon explains. Before 650 million years
ago, a colossal series of planetwide glaciations known as Snowball Earth
shaved off up to a third of Earth’s crust, including these kimberlites. For now, impact records earlier than that date are largely lost to time.
650 million years onward, however, it’s clear that they have
experienced very little erosion. This means they contain an unbiased
cratering record, and it shows that the lunar impact spike 290 million
years ago also appears on Earth.
The simplest model suggests that
“the impact rate increased 290 million years ago and stayed high over
that time,” Bottke says. “That, we can say with confidence.”
This match between the terrestrial and lunar records “makes a very strong argument for this finding being real,” says Paul Byrne, an assistant professor of planetary geology at North Carolina State University who was not involved in the study.
The planet Mercury might help out, too. When the European Space Agency’s BepiColombo spacecraft
arrives there in 2025, it’ll be able to use similar instrumentation as
LRO’s to map and date the craters on this similarly airless,
erosion-free world.
“We might be able to see if there’s a similar signature on Mercury, too,” Mazrouei says. “That would be super awesome.”
Rising tides in the asteroid belt
question, of course, is why is there a spike at all? According to
Bottke, almost all the impacts we have on Earth came from objects that
escaped the asteroid belt. A large body broke up, perhaps through a
collisional event, creating many fragments.
Over time, these fragments would be bombarded by sunlight. Per a trick of physics called the Yarkovsky effect,
the radiation that’s absorbed then re-emitted gives the debris a tiny
bit of a nudge. For smaller asteroids, this can move them in reach of
the gravitational tendrils of planets, potentially putting them on a
collision path.
“It’s sort of like a rising tide,” Bottke
explains. “You’ll get a lot of material coming out of the asteroid belt,
and eventually you’ll get a peak in the asteroid impact flux on Earth,
which will gradually go down over time.”
It’s possible that
multiple break-ups in the asteroid belt contributed to the overall
spike, or it may be due to one really catastrophic event. This is
something future modelling work will hopefully nail down.
the cause, this impact flux spike will no doubt continue to intrigue
scientists hoping to not only understand Earth’s past, but also to avoid
the fate of the dinosaurs.